I am a professor at the University of Milan.
(a previous home-page survives here).
Here is a CV of mine.
A.Y. 2024/2025:
My publication record is available on several databases, including:
Google Scholar Scopus DBLP ORCiD IrisAIR@unimi
Also, by a few editors:
ACM Digital Library IEEE Explore Wiley Online Library
Here is a random selection of web-pages of ongoing or past projects of various nature (no particular order). Mouse-over for more info. Follow the link for code, data, and all additional info (collaborators, relevant publications, funding, etc).
MicroMeshes Meshlab Real World Texured Things HexaLab SkinMixer Qutemol Velocity Skinning Instant Meshes Closed-form Quadrangulations Reliable Quad Meshes Quad Mesh Dataset 1/2 2/2 CtrystalloGame Spinnable World Maps Better Lit Animated Models Volume Encoded UV-maps OpenBRF Computational Tensegrity Sala del grechetto (ITA) Seamless UV torus Hexa-mesh Optimizer Frame fields PhotoCloud PolycubeMaps My Keltic Knots Older & smaller projects
Here's a random selection of short (2-3 min) technical videos illustrating a few results from my research, from the past decade.
Autocuts Wearable Knitting Velocity Skinning Implicit Blending Computational Tensegrity Real-time 3D Reconstruction cSculpt Instant Meshes Better-lit Animated Models Curve-Skeleton to Quads Computational Hydrographics Hex-Mesh Optimization Frame Fields Photocloud 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Pilebar Joint Visualization Quad-Mesh Coarsener Abstract Param Domains
See the unimi directory.